


Our welcome皇冠地址 curriculum emphasizes the importance of the individual development of the whole child, 社会, 在情感上, 认知, 身体上和精神上. Our curriculum is guided by the principle that children learn best by being actively involved in their environment. Our teachers create classrooms that provide many opportunities for the children to interact with materials, allowing them to explore experiment and discover in an environment that supports independent and inquisitive learners. 我们计划的活动, 我们组织环境的方式, 选择玩具和材料, 和孩子们交谈都是有策略的, 因为它们是为了完成我们课程的目标而设计的.
Our teachers integrate an emergent curriculum approach into a thematic approach (built around the Jewish and secular holidays and 季节) to create a synthesis of two types of programs. 
老师鼓励孩子发展自我激励, 通过提问积极的调查技能, 探索, 观察, 运用思考和解决问题的能力.  在教室里, 孩子们被书包围着, literacy experiences and direct exposure to the alphabet and letter sounds in preparation for pre-reading and reading that follows.
教师鼓励和示范合作和协作的工作,并与他人一起玩.  他们帮助孩子发展适当的语言和沟通技巧, 尊重同龄人的权利和隐私, 以及培养善良的感觉, 礼貌, 以及对他人的接纳.
老师创造温暖, 培育和舒适的教室环境,塑造善良, 以及对他人的尊重. Children learn and practice appropriate ways to respond and how to express their feelings constructively.  We want children to develop healthy self-esteem and an understanding that all people have feelings that deserve to be listened to and understood.
身体发育, 包括精细和大肌肉运动, 是否被纳入日常课程.  Each age group has access to developmentally appropriate areas of play both indoors and outdoors.  Daily activities allow children to move freely and to react to their environment in age-appropriate ways. 
老师 facilitate an appreciation of science and technology by encouraging children to explore and observe the world around them.  通过开放式活动强调动手探索和实验, 孩子们学习的动力是基于他们天生的好奇心和兴趣.  老师帮助孩子们培养提问的技巧, 收集信息, 沟通发现并做出明智的决定.  孩子们渴望发现他们所生活的世界的一切. 技术, 比如电脑的使用, iPad, 显微镜, 放大镜, 齿轮, and light boxes are used to extend and support learning through exploration of the classroom and outside environments.  
我们的孩子参与并学习犹太教的习俗、传统和价值观.  These lessons are integrated throughout the day and school year and are naturally woven into all areas of the curriculum so that they become both meaningful and important parts of a child’s life.  老师 embed “Jewish values” into the classroom as part of being good citizens of the world.  我们希望我们的孩子明白帮助别人的重要性, 施舍(慈善), 照顾上帝的世界, 尊重他人.
了解犹太节日, 还有法律, 习俗与歌曲, 是课程的重要组成部分吗.  Our monthly Rosh Chodesh celebrations allow the teachers the opportunity to help children to anticipate the upcoming chag and to create meaningful and joyful participation in each holiday.  孩子们学习在吃饭welcome皇冠旧版说合适的祝福, 假日和安息日.
Hebrew Language is integrated into daily life within the classroom and is driven by Chaggim, 季节, 天气, 以及一般课程.  The language is made more meaningful because it is reflected in what is happening in the room at that time.  随着孩子们的进步和成长, 他们通过故事接触到越来越多的希伯来语和犹太教课程, 歌曲, 游戏艺术项目, 特别活动, 和客人.
我们的孩子有很多参与音乐的机会. 老师 use music, 歌曲, and musical instruments to enhance their classroom curriculum. 此外,我们还为加侬孩子提供了两个更正规的音乐课程.
  1. 音乐与桑迪Shmuely -孩子学习, sing and at the end of the year Zimriah sing Hebrew 歌曲 (some new some and more traditional).
  2. 孩子们唱希伯来语、犹太教和世俗歌曲.
  3. Morah Chaya的音乐 – Morah Chaya用音乐和歌曲来加强安息日集会.




威彻斯特走读学校 is a Modern Orthodox, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, 一下, 终身学习.
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